Alumni Spotlight

2024 Summer Program Counselor Q&A: Doug Baker ’22

August 28, 2024

Each summer, Forman School alumni serve as Summer Program Counselors. We asked the 2024 alumni counselors about their goals, experiences, and how Forman prepared them for college. Returning for a second year, Doug Baker ’22 was excited to support a new group of students. 

Q: Why did you want to return as a Summer Program Counselor?

A: I wanted to return as a counselor because of how fulfilling it was last year, and it feels good to know you are making a positive impact on the students.

Q: What did you learn from being a counselor last year?

A: I learned how much our energy and attitude impact the students and how much they really do look up to us as role models.

Q: What were you excited about doing as a counselor this year? 

A: I was excited about mentoring the students and helping acclimate students to the school that I loved and called home for four years.

Q: What are your plans for the future? 

A: I am studying in Los Angeles for my next semester of college.

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