
Forman School Hosts Glenn Whitman for Transformative Workshop

August 30, 2024

Forman welcomed Glenn Whitman, History Teacher and Executive Director of The Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning (CTTL) at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, to lead a professional development workshop on August 28th. At the CTTL, Glenn helps teachers understand the educational neuroscience research behind the learning brain. 

During the interactive session, Glenn discussed how Mind, Brain, and Education Science can elevate teaching and learning. He shared researched-informed ways students’ brains learn best and how to best support student development. 

“Glenn’s expertise in the science of teaching and learning fits perfectly with our commitment this year to focus professional development on executive functions and the need to build self-advocacy in our students, both in the classroom and in all areas of student life,” says Head of School Amy Clemons. “I was struck by the parallels in his presentation on best practices built on a deep understanding of how the brain-mind connection works and the direction we are headed with regard to our programming in Cognition and Learning as well as our commitment to being better in June than we were in August.”

“Glenn was a dynamic speaker who brought so much energy and passion to our colleague community. Several colleagues shared that this was the best professional development they have experienced in their careers,” said Allie Maxwell, Assistant Head of School for Internal Affairs. “We are extremely excited to continue to work with Glenn throughout this school year and look forward to continuing to develop our capacity to be brain changers as educators.”

Glenn is also the co-author of Neuroteach: Brain Science and the Future of Education and co-designer of Neuroteach Global.

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