Alumni Spotlight

2024 Summer Program Counselor Q&A: Ben Wildstein ’22

August 15, 2024

Each summer, Forman School alumni return as Summer Program Counselors. We asked the 2024 alumni counselors about their goals, experiences, and how Forman prepared them for college. Ben Wildstein ’22 was inspired to come back to Forman to support students who learn differently, just as he does. 

Q: Why did you want to become a Forman Summer Program Counselor?

A: I wanted to be able to experience Forman from a different perspective while also helping kids who are like me.

Q: What were you looking forward to experiencing as a counselor?

A: I [was] excited to meet the kids, make great memories throughout the camp, and share my experience with them.

Q: Where do you go to college, and what are you studying?

A: I am at Connecticut College and am studying Biology and Psychology, and [I have] a minor in Film.

Q: How do you feel Forman prepared you for college and life after high school?

A: I feel Forman prepared me to be a good advocate and a good learner. It helped me embrace my learning difference and use it for good.

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