Alumni Spotlight

2024 Summer Program Counselor Q&A: Ryan Langan ’22

August 28, 2024

Each summer, Forman School alumni return as Summer Program Counselors. We asked the 2024 alumni counselors about their goals, experiences, and how Forman prepared them for college. Ryan Langan ’22 was excited to come back to Forman for the summer and share his positive and transformative Forman experience.

Q: Why did you want to become a Forman Summer Program Counselor?

A: Forman has taught and done so much for me as a student and a learner. Forman taught me how to be proud of myself for who I am and how to go about school. That’s the best way for me. Because of that, I wanted to come back and share what I learned with younger students who are looking into Forman. 

Q: What did you enjoy most about being a counselor?

A: [I enjoyed the opportunity] to come back to the school I loved when I was here and see all the teachers and friends that I went through it with. [I also enjoyed] sharing my opinions and ideas with the upcoming students looking at Forman.

Q: Where do you go to college, and what are you studying?

A: I go to Merrimack College, and I am majoring in marketing. 

Q: How do you feel Forman prepared you for college and life after high school?

A: I feel that the way Forman structures classes really prepares you for free time and accountability [in college]. Forman [also] taught me how to not be scared to advocate for myself when I need help. 

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