Alumni Spotlight

Forman Summer Program Counselor Spotlight: Grace Cirimele ’21

July 11, 2023

Grace Cirimele ’21 is one of the 2023 Forman Summer Program Counselors. Grace says she wanted to become a counselor because of her positive experience as a student. 

“The Forman Summer Program and school really helped me take control of my LD and helped me become confident in my academics,” she says. “I wanted to work at the Forman Summer Program because I wanted to help create a welcoming community for students just like me.” 

Grace has fond memories of the Forman Summer Program and was looking forward to returning in a new way. 

“I really enjoyed the afternoon activities. I got to try new things and explore the campus,” she says. “I also really enjoyed the classes and appreciated how they were very helpful, but it didn’t feel like ‘summer school.’’

She continues, “I’m excited to see the Forman Summer Program from the other side. I’m excited that I’m able to help make a student's experience as fun as it can be, and I’m excited to share with the campers the resources Forman has to offer.” 

Woman points to girl's computer in classroom
Grace Cirimele ’21 teaches a Summer Program student.

In addition to her role as a counselor, Grace is a teacher intern. She is interning in a Science of Studying course alongside Dr. Catherine Stines, Dean of Faculty. 

Grace attends Denison University, where she studies Psychology. 

“Thanks to Forman, going into college, I felt very prepared to advocate for myself and my needs,” Grace shares. “I also understood how I learned best and was able to use techniques taught to me by Forman to thrive in my college classes.” 

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