Forman Spotlight

Forman Presents Magical Fall Play

November 14, 2022

The Forman Ensemble Players presented the fall play Puffs (One Act Edition for Young Wizards) in the Jake Cloobeck ’16 Theater on November 10th and 11th. 

A synopsis of Puffs, the play by Matt Cox, reads, “For seven years, a certain boy wizard went to a certain Wizard School and conquered evil. This, however, is not his story. This is the story of the Puffs... who just happened to be there too. A tale for anyone who has never been destined to save the world.”

Lily Chen, Thinking and Writing Department Chair and Director of Forman’s 2022 Fall Play, says a lot was involved in making this play a success. 

Puffs was one of the most complicated theatrical productions we have tackled — from the challenging pace of 45 scenes to the sheer amount of over three hundred mic, sound, and light cues to execute,” Chen says. “I'm profoundly proud of how the cast and crew worked selflessly together to tell this relatable and uplifting story of resilience and perseverance. While our work was rewarded by the genuine laughter and warm applause from the audience, my heartfelt appreciation goes to the REAL magic behind the scene: how we wrestled with pieces of our lives each day to give our best throughout the process as well as to embrace and celebrate the Puff — along with the hero — in all of us.”

Chen says the play captured lessons that are promoted at Forman. 

“This journey of young wizard-Puffs trying to be heroes unmistakably brings to light the power of friendships and perseverance by reimagining the bridges we can build when we summon the courage to break barriers, which is Forman’s cultural theme this year; in fact, the emblem for “a Certain School of Magic and Magic” on the set was created based on Forman School’s emblem: a lion with a big heart and star power!” she says. “This is the story of us; Forman is a school of magic!”

Additional faculty who assisted in the play included Arts Teacher Tammy Grella as Technical Director, Art Department Chair Erin Gleason, and Promethean Program and World Language Teacher Jeoffrey Langill. 

The Forman community applauds the hard work of everyone involved, including special guest Bria Langill, daughter of Advancement Coordinator and Communications Liaison Ashli Langill and Jeoffrey Langill. 

“Congratulations to the talented cast and crew of Puffs for a very entertaining show!” says Charlene Halloran P’05, P’07, Director of Counseling. “Thank you for a fun (and funny) evening.”

Click here for photos of Puffs!

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