Forman Spotlight

Breast Cancer Awareness Month at Forman

October 25, 2023

In support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, students and Mathematics Teacher Jennifer Duncan attended a fundraiser in Torrington, CT, benefitting the Charlotte Hungerford Hospital Pink Rose Fund. The fund supports “educational outreach and screening to assure that the women of northwest Connecticut have comprehensive, coordinated access to services related to breast cancer prevention and treatment at the best hospital for breast cancer treatment possible,” according to the hospital’s website

Prior to the fundraiser, students painted pink pumpkins and baked desserts for the guests as part of community service.

Jennifer Duncan, Mathematics Teacher, pinned pink ribbons on students during lunch in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

During the All-School Assembly on Monday, October 23rd, Duncan presented some statistics about breast cancer. She shared that each year in the United States, approximately 240,000 cases of breast cancer are diagnosed in women and about 2,100 in men.

She said, “I would like to think of [Breast Cancer Awareness Month] as a time we think of those who have, or have had, any type of cancer, as well as a time to be grateful for our own good health. Cancer has touched so many of our lives.”

Duncan asked the Forman community to raise their hands if they have a loved one who has been affected by cancer, and many did. 

"Let’s have a quick moment to think about those who are fighting the disease right now,” she said.

To further raise awareness and show support, pink ribbons were distributed during lunch, and donations were collected to contribute to the hospital's Pink Rose Fund.

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